Thursday, July 29, 2010

For Unix terminal as the user moving

In the Windows operating system, the terminal can also make some simple settings. If you can set the input method of switching health and so on. But in the Windows operating system, this terminal set is very small. In the Unix operating system, you can set the terminal's many features to facilitate users. In fact, if we really want the user, in practical work may have encountered a similar phenomenon. If in some Unix operating systems, use the backspace key to delete a character; but in some operating systems are not. Even in the same version of the shell in the encounter this situation. In fact, this is not a problem with the keyboard, but because of the terminal caused by the personalized settings. Unix Systems Engineer sometimes need to adjust the terminal settings to suit their own work habits. Unix to manage the terminal as a file, so you can set the parameters of its many, basically contains all the features related with the terminal. But the system is not a lot of engineers actually use mainly the following aspects of the content.

1, Ctrl + C key combination can exit the application.


銆??濡傛灉闇?閲嶆柊鍚姩杩欎釜鍛戒护锛屽垯鍙互鍒╃敤stty intr ^c鏉ヨ缃?鍏朵腑Intr鏄帶鍒惰繖涓姛鑳界殑鍏抽敭瀛椼?^涓や釜绗﹀彿鍦ㄧ郴缁熶腑鏈夌壒娈婄殑鍚箟銆傚湪Unix涓璁剧疆鏌愪釜缁堢鍏抽敭瀛楀?锛岃繖閲岄噰鐢ㄧ殑鏄弽鏂滄潌锛岃?涓嶆槸绛夊彿鎴栬?鍏朵粬绗﹀彿銆傚彟澶栵紝^鍦║nix绯荤粺涓彨鍋氳劚瀛楃锛屽畠鍦ㄧ粓绔叧閿瓧璁剧疆鏃朵唬琛ㄧ殑鏄敭鐩樹笂鐨刢trl閿?鏈?悗鐨勫瓧绗琛ㄧず閿洏涓婄殑c閿?涓嶈繃闇?娉ㄦ剰鐨勬槸锛岃繖鏄竴涓皬蹇冪殑瀛楃c锛岃?涓嶆槸澶у啓鐨勩?涓婇潰杩欎釜鍛戒护灏辨槸鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺锛屽埄鐢–trl+c閿綔涓轰腑鏂鍙枫?


銆??鍦║nix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺涓紝鏈夋椂鍊欐枃鏈柟寮忕殑鎿嶄綔瑕佹瘮鍥惧舰鍖栨搷浣滃鐨勫銆傜壒鍒槸灏哢nix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺褰撲綔鏈嶅姟鍣ㄦ潵绠$悊锛屽線寰?彧鎶婃搷浣滅郴缁熷惎鍔ㄥ綋鏂囨湰妯″紡锛岃?涓嶆槸褰撳浘褰㈠寲妯″紡銆傝繖涓嶄粎鍙互鎻愰珮鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ殑宸ヤ綔鏁堢巼锛岃?涓旇繕鏈夊埄浜庢彁楂樺叾绋冲畾鎬с?涓嶈繃濡傛灉閫氳繃鏂囨湰妯″紡鏉ョ鐞嗘搷浣滅郴缁燂紝瀵逛簬涓嶅皯绯荤粺宸ョ▼甯堟潵璇达紝浼氬甫鏉ヤ竴浜涙寫鎴橈紝鍥犱负閮介渶瑕侀?杩囬敭鐩樻潵瀹屾垚鐩稿叧鐨勬搷浣溿?濡傚湪鍐欓偖浠舵椂锛屼竴鍒囨搷浣滈兘鏄潬閿洏鏉ュ畬鎴愩?鍦ㄦ鏃跺氨浼氶亣鍒颁竴涓枃浠讹紝濡備綍鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺宸茬粡灏嗘枃鏈緭鍏ュ畬鎴愪簡鍛?濡傚湪鏂囨湰妯″紡涓嬩功鍐欓偖浠讹紝闇?鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鍙互缁撴潫閿洏鐨勮緭鍏ユ搷浣滀簡銆傚鍦ㄥ埄鐢╟at鍛戒护鍒涘缓鏂囦欢鏃讹紝涔熼渶瑕佹墜宸ョ殑鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鏂囦欢鍐呭宸茬粡瀹屾垚浜嗐?姝ゆ椂锛岀郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀鍙互浣跨敤Ctrl+a閿潵鍛婅瘔鎿嶄綔绯荤粺銆傝繖涓姛鑳藉湪绯荤粺涓搴旂殑鍏抽敭瀛楁槸eof(鏂囦欢缁撳熬绗?銆傜郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀濡傛灉鐢ㄤ笉鎯繖涓粍鍚堥敭鐨勮瘽锛屽彲浠ュ埄鐢ㄥ懡浠tty鏉ヨ繘琛屾洿鏀广?濡傛湁浜涗粠寰蒋杞杩囨潵鐨勭郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀锛岀郴缁熶娇鐢–trl+e閿潵琛ㄧず鏂囦欢缁撴潫绗︼紝鑰屼笉鍠滄浣跨敤杩欎釜Ctrl+a閿?鍙兘鍦ㄥ井杞骇鍝佷腑杩欐槸琛ㄧず鍏ㄩ?鐨勫惈涔夊惂)銆傛鏃跺氨鍙互鍒╃敤杩欎釜鍛戒护鏉ヨ繘琛岃缃細stty eof ^e銆傝窡涓婇潰鐨勫懡浠ら潪甯哥浉浼硷紝鍙槸鎵?噰鐢ㄧ殑鍏抽敭瀛椾笉鍚岃?宸层?涓嶈繃鍦ㄦ洿鏀硅繖浜涚粓绔搷浣滅鍙风殑鏃跺?锛岄渶瑕佹敞鎰忛伩鍏嶉噰鐢ㄧ浉鍚岀殑缁堢鎿嶄綔绗﹀彿銆傚惁鍒欑殑璇濓紝鍙兘浼氬嚭鐜颁竴浜涜帿鍚嶅叾濡欑殑闂銆?br />

銆??鍦ㄩ敭鐩樹笂鏈変袱涓敭锛屼竴涓槸del閿紝鐢ㄦ潵鍚戝悗鍒犻櫎瀛楃銆傚彟澶栦竴涓槸閫?牸閿紝鍒欑敤鏉ュ悜鍓嶅垹闄ゅ瓧绗︺?浣嗘槸鏈夋椂鍊欑郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀浼氬彂鐜伴?鏍奸敭涓嶈兘澶熻捣浣滅敤锛屽叾涓嶈兘澶熷悜鍚庡垹闄ゅ瓧绗︺?鎺掗櫎閿洏鏁呴殰澶栵紝寰?線涔熸槸杩欎釜缁堢閰嶇疆鎵?児鐨勭ジ銆傚湪缁堢閰嶇疆涓湁涓叧閿瓧鍙仛echoe锛屽叾灏辨槸鐢ㄦ潵鎺у埗鏄惁鍏佽浣跨敤閫?牸閿潵鍚戝悗鍒犻櫎瀛楃銆備笉杩囪繖涓缃窡涓婇潰鐨勮缃柟娉曟湁宸紓銆傚鏋滈渶瑕佺鐢ㄨ繖涓姛鑳界殑璇濓紝鍒欓渶瑕佷娇鐢╯tty 鈥揺choe鍛戒护銆傚鏋滈渶瑕佸惎鐢ㄧ殑璇濓紝鍒欓渶瑕佷娇鐢╯tty echoe鍛戒护銆?br />
銆??鍏跺疄锛屽湪Unix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺涓紝璺熺粓绔浉鍏崇殑鍏抽敭瀛椾富瑕佹湁涓ょ琛ㄧ幇褰㈠紡锛屽垎鍒负鍏抽敭瀛?鏌愪釜鍊兼垨鑰呭叧閿瓧(-鍏抽敭瀛?绛夊舰寮忚〃绀恒?杩欎袱绉嶅舰寮忕殑鍏抽敭瀛楀叾鍊艰缃殑鏂瑰紡鏄笉鍚岀殑銆傚涓婇潰鎻愬埌鐨勪腑绔鍙凤紝鍏剁郴缁熶腑鐨勬樉绀烘牸寮忎负鍏抽敭瀛?鏌愪釜鍊肩殑鏍煎紡(intr=^c)銆傚浜庤繖涓牸寮忕殑鍏抽敭瀛楅渶瑕侀噰鐢ㄧ殑鏄痎鐨勮皟鏁存柟寮忥紝鍏跺彲浠ラ噸鏂拌缃姛鑳介敭銆傝?鐜板湪鐨勯?鏍煎姛鑳界殑鍏抽敭瀛椾负echoe锛屽叾鏄剧ず鏍煎紡涓哄叧閿瓧(-鍏抽敭瀛?銆傝繖绉嶅叧閿瓧鍙堝彨鍋氬紑鍏冲叧閿瓧銆備篃灏辨槸璇村叾鍙湁鍚敤鎴栬?绂佺敤銆傝?涓嶈兘澶熶娇鐢ㄥ叾浠栫殑鍐呭鏉ヤ唬鏇裤?瀵逛簬杩欑绫诲瀷鐨勫叧閿瓧锛岃璋冩暣鍏跺?鐨勮瘽锛屼篃鐩稿绠?崟銆傚彧闇?鍒╃敤stty (-)鍏抽敭瀛楃殑褰㈠紡鍗冲彲銆傚鏋滃叧閿瓧鍓嶉潰娌℃湁鍑忓彿鐨勮瘽锛屽垯璇存槑杩欎釜鍔熻兘鏄惎鐢ㄧ殑銆傚鏋滄湁鍑忓彿鐨勮瘽锛屽垯璇存槑杩欎釜鍔熻兘鏄鐢ㄧ殑銆傚鏋滅郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀鍙嶅厛杩欎釜閫?牸閿笉鑳界敤浜嗭紝鍙互鍏堝埄鐢ㄥ懡浠tty 鈥揳鍛戒护鏉ユ煡鐪嬪綋鍓嶇粓绔殑閰嶇疆銆傜壒鍒槸闇?鍏虫敞涓?簺杩欎釜echoe鍏抽敭瀛楋紝鐪嬪叾鍓嶉潰鏄惁鏈夊噺鍙枫?濡傛灉鏈夌殑璇濓紝灏辫〃绀哄綋鍓嶄笉鑳藉鍒╃敤閫?牸閿潵鍚戝墠鍒犻櫎涓?釜瀛楃銆傛鏃剁郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀鍙互鍒╃敤stty echoe鏉ュ惎鐢ㄨ繖涓姛鑳姐?閫氬父鎯呭喌涓嬶紝涓嶉渶瑕佹敞閿?郴缁熸垨鑰呭叧闂綋鍓嶄細璇濊繖涓缃氨浼氱敓鏁堛?涓嶅悓鐨剆hell瀵硅繖涓?鏍奸敭鐨勯粯璁よ缃槸涓嶅悓鐨勩?鎵?互涓轰簡鎿嶄綔鐨勬柟渚匡紝绯荤粺宸ョ▼甯堟湁鏃跺?寰?線闇?璋冩暣杩欎釜閫?牸閿殑鍔熻兘锛屾潵淇濊瘉鍚勪釜鐗堟湰鐨剆hell 閮借兘澶熶娇鐢ㄨ繖涓姛鑳芥垨鑰呯鐢ㄨ繖涓姛鑳姐?

銆??鍥涖?鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆鐨勫唴瀹逛笉鍥炴樉銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄧ櫥闄哢nix鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鏃?鏂囨湰妯″紡涓?锛岀敤鎴烽渶瑕佽緭鍏ュ笎鎴峰悕涓庡瘑鐮佹墠鑳藉鐧婚檰銆傚綋鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆瀵嗙爜鏃讹紝鍦ㄥ睆骞曚笂涓嶄細鏈変换浣曠殑鎻愮ず锛岃繛*濂芥帺楗扮鍙烽兘娌℃湁銆傛湁鏃跺?锛岀郴缁熷伐绋嬪笀涓轰簡浼肩殑鑴氭绋嬪簭涔熷彲浠ュ悜杩欎釜鍙d护涓?牱锛屾帴鏀剁敤鎴风殑杈撳叆鑰屼笉鏄皢鍐呭杈撳嚭鍒板睆骞曚笂(鍗崇敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍐呴儴涓嶅洖鏄惧埌灞忓箷涓?锛屽氨闇?淇敼echo杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楃殑鍊笺?涓嶈瑕佹敞鎰忥紝淇敼杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楃殑鏃跺?闇?涓夋璧般?绗竴姝ュ皢杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楄缃负-echo(琛ㄧず鍚戝瘑鐮侀偅鏍蜂笉鍥炴樉鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆鐨勫唴瀹?;绗簩姝ヤ笉鍥炴樉鐨勬帴鏀剁敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍐呭锛屾鏃剁敤鎴风殑浠讳綍杈撳叆涓嶄細鏄剧ず鍒板睆骞曚笂;绗笁姝ュ啀灏嗚繖涓叧閿瓧璁剧疆涓篹cho锛屽嵆鍚庣画鐨勫唴瀹瑰厑璁稿叾鏄剧ず鍦ㄥ睆骞曚笂銆傚洜涓哄湪澶ч儴鍒嗘儏鍐典笅锛岄兘鏄渶瑕佺郴缁熷皢鐢ㄦ埛杈撳叆鐨勭粨鏋滄樉绀哄湪灞忓箷涓婄殑銆傚惁鍒欑殑璇濓紝涓嶈兘澶熶繚璇佺敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍑嗙‘鎬с?鎵?互锛屽湪浣跨敤瀹屾瘯鍚庯紝涓?畾瑕佽杩欎釜鍏抽敭瀛楄缃负鍘熷厛鐨勫?锛屽嵆鍒╃敤stty 鈥揺cho灏嗚繖涓叧閿瓧璁剧疆鍥炴潵銆傝繖閲宔cho涔熸槸鍒╃敤-鍙锋潵浠h〃鐨勪竴涓叧閿瓧锛屼篃灏辨槸璇磋繖涓姛鑳戒篃鏄竴涓紑鍏冲姛鑳姐?鍦ㄨ缃椂锛岃涔堝叧闂紝瑕佷箞鍚敤銆傝?绗笁绉嶅鐞嗘柟娉曘?涔熷氨鏄锛屽鏋滄兂瑕佺敤鎴疯緭鍏ョ殑鍐呭浠?鍙锋潵浠f浛鐨勮瘽锛屽垯闇?閲囩敤鍏朵粬鐨勬柟寮忋?纭疄锛岃繖涓互*鏄剧ず鐨勬柟寮忚窡缁堢璁剧疆鏃犲叧銆?br />


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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

C # Learning Notes (April 3)

Public type system (Common Type System) built a set of data types, provide. NET languages define variables, use variables, management variables type of common rules.

C # type can be divided into two categories: one is a real value type (Value Type), configured in the stack (stack) which is always not as null; and those for the reference type (Reference Type), configure them in the Managed Heap . C # is type-safe language, is not allowed to use the variable before the variable initialization.

Learn C # and the relevance of operands is important priorities, contribute to the operation of the process of writing applications, and application debugging.

Use conversion operation can be clearly the number of the type into another type, but the conversion to note whether an overflow issues in order to allow programs to a more stable implementation.

C # provides a number of statements can be used to control program flow. Common choice statements: if, switch to a specific value or statement to decide whether or not the implementation code. Repeat statement: such as while, do, for, foreach can repeat a section of code several times. Jump statements: like goto, break, continue, etc., used to control the conversion process.

To be more stable applications implemented in the programming will have to be careful when handling an exception error, in order to avoid the user in operation due to unexpected movements such as opening a file does not exist, the encounter program infinite loop problem. When the C # application program execution when an error occurs, the system generates an exception error, you can use in C #, try ... catch catch the error and prompts the user instructions appropriate information. If the system error handler can not meet the needs of programmers can write their own inherited class System.Exception exception type.

using System; class Method (public static void MyMethod () (Console.WriteLine ("This is a method (Method) is nothing but a bunch of C # code in the set."); Console.WriteLine ("method in a different language different names: such as functions, subroutines, etc. ");) public static int Main () (Console.WriteLine (" This is a method, Main, WriteLine and MyMethod are three ways this code "); MyMethod (); Return 0;))
In C # all the way to a member of a class, which allows other global functions, global vice procedure programming language (such as C, C + +, VB, etc.), not the same place.

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At the same time improve the speed, stability, consolidation also allow new Express (FlashGet) once again become the focus of the industry.

Achievements of universal domination

Unity is the new Express (FlashGet) 1.83beta biggest breakthrough point, because network resources can not focus spread, so download the single download tool usually can not complete the download, all download tools occupy disk, not only to the computer has greatly increased the burden to users has brought a lot of trouble, 1.83 beta version of Express (FlashGet) original release of the P4S completely solve the problems. In November last year to support BT download, FlashGet this in turn eMule (eDonkey) into, which makes the new version 1.83 is currently the most comprehensive "universal download manager" in support of BT, eMule, plus the original Http, Ftp, new integration different download protocols. Through one-stop service to download, offers the highest savings in the user time to meet the needs of fast download, no matter where the distribution of resources, only a simple configuration, BT, eMule, etc., express the whole done! To download the tool without worrying about incompatibility, but also there is no need to install the software take up more disk space, and Express versions 1.83, download the tools of traditional single-round multi-direction taken, as the lead military, the role of new express more prominent, more worthy of experience.

Hurricane high speed plus file

Speed, still express the characteristics of the most attention, but also its soul, 1.83beta version of adhering to the Express has always accurately capture, the precise identification of the hidden connections and fast download excels, in general, the download speed is mainly restrictions by the server constraints, such as proxy server or the server does not fully apply the single issues, such as express goal entirely Tupoyixie site connectivity, allowing each connection can use different proxy servers, fully utilize the server all the resources and constraints of small is speed.

For download it, time is life, Express site resources embedded explorer, you can easily browse Http and Ftp site directory structure, and to support the Ftp directory of downloads, shortening the time to find resources to determine the connection, plus support mirroring function, manually or automatically through Ftp Search to find the mirror site, full speed for the Express, while multi-thread download, HTTP, also can be divided into multiple parts at the same time a software download, you can also set multiple download tasks At the same time to download, download speed will be rapidly advanced, it is worth mentioning that in the same time ensure that such high-speed downloads, FlashGet Bingbu occupy large of Zi Yuan, completely without interfering with other 鎿嶄綔, download the same Ke Yi browse Wang Ye, Kan Zaixian video, open the other procedures, so download movies and other large files, the process is no longer a cumbersome, long wait.

Unassailable security escort

Stability is of overriding the fundamental issue, but also Express (FlashGet) where a consistent advantage. The new upgrade again, full optimization of ultra-hard disk read and write caching technology, the system can automatically optimize their own situation in the cache, not hurt the hard drive, but also to protect the user's system resources to optimize the advantages of this no doubt express the acceleration of re-Tim wing.

Express (FlashGet) 1.83beta and previous versions of the same line as the concept of green software, no pop-up windows and malicious links, not mandatory bundle other software, clean, fresh, clear information on risk is also in place in time, to download a series of anti-virus anti-virus, will not let the computer exposure, and the Express (FlashGet) to download when the download link will also avoid some of the theft of your personal information, monitoring the safety of these unique features allow users to be more at ease.

Continuation of good family background of traditional

New version of Express (FlashGet) 1.83beta several versions of the same as before with a unique innovation that is compatible with Microsoft vista operating system, in the case of network update faster, guaranteed for some time will not produce new systems are not compatible with the problem.

In addition, the Express (FlashGet) still carried on in the past with other powerful features, its management is, as always, the full support of drag, renamed; add descriptions to find; file name duplication when automatically renaming; to download the software category, storage; at any time to find, manage the downloaded files before, these features too diverse for download but failed to manage the users, both time and effort.

Resources are fixed, tool does Keyi diverse, 闈㈠ many choices, Express (FlashGet) human-based Sheji allow users to experience the fun when downloading more autonomous, 涔?more fun, if you can Jihua download, Bikaiwangluo Shiyong peak time or less expensive in the network time to download; supports automatic dial-up, downloaded automatically hang up and shutdown, etc., so that users themselves sufficient planning time and other resources, diversify the sources of complexity in the network today, so download a comprehensive tools, is a competent partner Internet.


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Monday, July 5, 2010

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It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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